Why Do Guys Become Emotionally Distant?

By Clay Andrews

Ever had that daunting experience of losing your partner as you feel even a tiny bit of of distance forming between you two? If that is the case you're not alone. Countless other women deal with this every single day with their partner, particularly when they think the relationship is doing so well.

Are men just looking for sex? Are men just in it for the chase and once the thrill of the chase is long gone the relationship goes stale?

Why do men pull away emotionally in the first instance?

Here's what you need to do when he pulls away.

In most cases, it actually has nothing at all to do with you. It's not because he's getting bored of you. It is not because you are not turning him on any more and somebody better stole him away from you.

So if it's not for these reasons,what's a lady to do if she knows her guy is pulling further away from her?

First you've got to understand that males and females are different when it comes to emotions and feelings. It is not because guys don't experience emotions or hate intimacy.

It's because men and women are programed differently.

Think about the caveman days when in order to survive, men needed to be extremely alert, focused and goal-driven. They required these types of qualities to survive the tough environment.

That is to say that a guy's attention is very focused.

When he seems to pull away emotionally, it typically has not got anything to do with you in any way. It usually is his own focus that's being drawn to something else... Whether that be his career, his passion, or some other distraction.

This actually isn't something you ought to be worried about in most cases.

You don't need to try and battle for his attention. In truth doing that will generally lead him to feel contempt you for that.

From the other standpoint if you give him the space that he wants to be able to figure out whatever he's working on, then there is a much better possibility that when he's finished with it, he'll come back to you, giving you all of the attention that you are looking for.

This may seem counter-intuitive, but you need to bear in mind that guys are basically wired differently from ladies and thus they act and think differently.

A guy desires to feel you are giving him the space he wants to be a man and pursue his calling in life. Anything less and he is going to feel smothered and will see you as more of a hindrence rather than something positive in his life. When this occurs, the relationship begins to experience issues.

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