Christian Play Scripts For Our Times

By Lenore Bolton

There are great Christian play scripts in every culture of the world. Decades will pass and individuals will still look towards these offerings that are entertaining and safe. The movie industry now relies too much on sex and violence which is not kid friendly.

Adults with children have to be very careful when they choose a movie for the family to watch. When there is nothing moral to watch at the movie theatre then the parents have to come up with ways to entertain the children at home. This is very hurtful to everyone since these movies give the wrong messages to children about life in general.

The church has often helped to lend a supporting hand to the community by providing stage productions of shows that will give the children an educational lesson. When these shows have finished the children and many adults will leave the theater with a sense of pride.

Florence Nightingale, Treasure Island, The Story Of Jesus, The Hunchback Of Notre Dame and Pinocchio are just a few of the great shows that are offered. They all deal with individuals who overcame great situations to become better people.

Pinocchio tells a tale about a young wooden boy who wishes to become human and the ordeals that he goes through. This is a very popular tale which was turned into a film by Walt Disney many years ago and it did quite well at the box office. In the story Pinocchio learns that it is not always good to lie since many people can be hurt by falsehoods.

Joan Of Arc is the compelling story about a young girl who had visions. She is viewed as a saint to all others and was a fighter for liberty. Joan was eventually burned at the stake for her efforts but she remained strong even through this torture. The moral of this story is that a person should always stand up for what they believe in no matter what the consequences.

Jesus was God's gift to the world and many people often celebrate his life during the Christmas holiday. His parents went through many tough obstacles before his birth and they showed people that true love can make miracles happen. This production is a big hit in many churches every year and it will continue to be shown in the decades to come.

A man who had a horrible tumor on his back is also known as the Hunchback Of Notre Dame. Even though he was not a beautiful person on the outside he showed the world that beauty is something that is internal. The story also gives a lesson on how attractive people can do ugly things for no reason.

Christian play scripts are a great source of entertainment for the entire family and they send out very positive messages to people. They help to keep people from making moral mistakes that can bring destruction to their lives. These stories also show how ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary tasks when they put their best foot forward. It is also important to note that these stories help to give a person faith and strength.

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