Recovering From a Breakup Better Than Ever

By Emmber Doka

Take some time to consider why the breakup occurred. Next, consider if it may turn out to be better in the long run that the relationship is over. If your sure this relationship is worth saving then you are ready to put in the effort needed. Finally, have you changed the problems that caused the breakup, or has your ex?

There are several reasons why couples break up:

any form of abuse be it emotional, physical, or mental


trouble communicating

trust issues

If there was any physical, emotional or mental abuse in the relationship then you have to seriously ask yourself if it is worth getting back together after breaking up. Do you or your partner continue to put each other down or put other people down? If you continue to do so, then that is probably why you are breaking up, and it will likely be a determining factor that will stop you from getting back together in a fulfilling relationship.

Money issues cause problems in most relationships if not all, it can be figured out but you have to plan together. Talk openly about financial issues and make a flexible strategy for coping with your financial needs together. Remember you love your partner and treat them fairly, don't expect one or the other to take on everything alone.

Value your time together more than money! Be patient and treat your partner how you want to be treated. Work can be exhausting, if you are both understanding and appreciative of the efforts each other makes, it will be easier to overcome difficulties.

If you and your partner are considering getting back together, try and determine if you or your partner has corrected or is at least working on fixing the problems responsible for breaking up and if your ready for getting back together. It takes a team of two working together to move forward. With that said, consider the pros and cons of getting back together and when you have, then make a decision for yourself.

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